Welcome to Endurance Racing Magazine (ERM).
ERM exists to provide insight, education and entertainment into the world of endurance racing. Over the past decade, athletes from all over the world have made a conscious decision to push their bodies and will to the limit but running, swimming, skiing, cycling, and rowing distances that seem impossible. This magazine adheres to both the competitive spirit and the companionship and commeraderie of the endurance racing community; their spirit, motivation and drive, to push one’s body and soul to the outer limits of our capabilities.
Our motto, to paraphrase experienced ultra-distance athlete and author, Wayne Kurtz, is
“every athlete has his or her specific goals and reasons for racing in whatever event he or she chooses; but overall most would agree that the journey to the finish line is what resonates in most athletes’ minds.”
Endurance Racing Magazine (ERM) was launched to meet a need for ultra-distance racing athletes who do not have a one stop source for endurance sports psychology, physiology and
wellness, training, races directories, race reports and stories that inspire athletes to compete well and safely.
The magazine will be a resource, designed to increase awareness and education of endurance racing sports, races, and all elements of training and managing work/life/training.
As ERM strives to be a go to source for the endurance racing athlete; the long term goal is to brand ERM as a global resource, not just a national one. The endurance racing field of athletes is small and tight knit. Everyone knows everyone and there is strong sense of community amongst athletes. Not only are athletes well known among each other, but their friendship circles expand well beyond the United States, where globally, endurance/ultra-distance racing is more prevalent and well-known. To achieve a more global reach, ERM will be present on two websites, enduranceracingmagazine.com and enduranceracingmagazine.co.uk.
Please consider a subscription to the magazine.
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Back Issues 2015: Endurance Racing Magazine Jan/Feb 2015